Embark upon a galaxy-spanning mission to rescue the missing songstresses! When multiple dimensional folds suddenly occur across space-time, pilots and songstresses alike find themselves inexplicably transported to the Battle 7! From there, six stories unfold with the fate of the galaxy at stake.
• Explore six stories with the fate of the galaxy at stake: Pilots, songstresses and characters from throughout Marcoss’ history take centre stage in a completely original story.
• Use the power of songs to gain an edge in battle: Macross: Shooting Insight includes fan favourite songs from all featured Macross series.
• Sortie with pilots from different time periods: Play through stages made up of multiple scenes, each with distinct game types that utilise different modes of each pilot's Valkyrie.
• Synchronise with songstresses while playing stages: Activate a variety of buffs and debuffs, such as increased firepower, increased manoeuvrability, reduced enemy fire speed, etc.
• Experience multiple game styles: Stages include Horizontally Scrolling Shooting, Vertically Scrolling Shooting, and 360-degree Scrolling Shooting!
Platform | PlayStation 5 |
Barcode | 3760328374401 |
Publisher | Red Art Games |
Release Date | 31 Dec 2024 |
Age Rating | Age 7+ |
Genre | Shooter |