Vampire The Masquerade Collector's Edition (PS4)

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Badland Games
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VAMPIRE: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York & Shadows of New York

Enter the universe of Vampire: The Masquerade, one of the most popular role-playing games of all time, through two interactive novels created by Draw Distance and brought together in a single physical release for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PC.

In Coteries of New York you will rediscover New York from the perspective of a newborn vampire in the dark and caught between the power struggles of two vampire clans: Camarilla and Anarchs. Choose your character from three different clans (Ventrue, Toreador and Brujah) and face decisions that will mark the fate of the plot and your relationship with other characters.

Fight to preserve the vestiges of your humanity while you try to control your desire to feed, or the Beast that beats inside you will end up taking control. Depending on One of the most acclaimed RPGs of all time comes to life in an interactive novel in which your decisions will mark your destinyyour choice of character and his clan, you will have different Disciplines (powers) that will help you in combat and certain dialogues, but beware because the more you use them, the greater your blood lust will be.

Shadows of New York is a completely independent adventure in which you will play a member of the clan Lasombra, who is in charge of investigating the death of the leader of the New York Anarchs. Try to maintain neutrality in a city about to explode while you interact with vampires from other clans, humans and other creatures.

Two exciting adventures set in a unique universe, where death is only the beginning of each story. Welcome to the darkness, welcome to Vampire: The Masquerade.


  • Collectors box.
  • 2 disc/cartridge with both games Coteries of New York and Shadows of New York.
  • Hardcover artbook.
  • Double vinyl.
More Information
Platform PlayStation 4
Publisher Badland Games
Release Date TBC 2025
Genre Horror
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